We demand EU embargo on China!
Boiled alive and cooked for their meat! MILLIONS of dogs go through this each year in China! Take Action Now: http://www.yousignanimals.org/Boiled-alive-and-cooked-for-their-meat-MILLIONS-of-dogs-go-through-this-each-year-in-China-1-t-5643
Posted by Yousign.org on Saturday, 16 January 2016
We demand that the EU imposes sanctions against China so that the Chinese government institute better laws to ensure human rights as well as introduce Animal Welfare laws at all levels.
The European Union has arms embargo on China, and we want to develop into a total embargo. We require the EU to take responsibility and do not trade with countries that do not fulfill human rights and basic protection for animals - Facebook page
The European Union has arms embargo on China, and we want to develop into a total embargo. We require the EU to take responsibility and do not trade with countries that do not fulfill human rights and basic protection for animals - Facebook page