Poisoning of animals by both allowed and prohibited substances like Furadan has increased dramatically throughout Europe. It's not just homeless and abandoned animals that are poisoned, owned animals are often poisoned by accident, as well as all the wild animals that come into contact with the substance.
Many citizens in those countries are also worried that children will be poisoned by these extremely toxic substances - when they are out playing. The poisoned animals are suffering horrendous - death is slow and painful and there is no antidote for the animals. No country takes hold of the problem and shows a total disrespect that animals have to suffer and that parents have to constantly be worried about their childrens safety - all because of that governments and countries ignores the laws, even as a Member State of the EU. |
Poisoning of stray - and owned - dogs and cats is widespread throughout Europe and it occurs on a daily basis. Those responsible for spreading poisoned bait are rarely caught in the act and usually the bodies of their victims are picked up by garbage collectors in the early hours of the morning.
The poisoning is often excused as a necessary and cheap cleaning up operation of the large numbers of stray dogs and cats which are seen as a problem. Some people fear the strays would 'spread disease', others consider them a nuisance, especially when their numbers increase. |
In countries where there are stray animals is castration (neutering) not common for household companion animals, because it is regarded as a negative intervention in the animals nature - instead choose these irresponsible people, that the owned animal repeatedly gives birth to new cats and dogs, as 9 out of 10 are abandoned to a life in misery.
Many people seem to view poisoning as a 'fact of life' - and as a delayed birth control. The poison used can be anything from strychnine and rat poison to farm pesticides and herbicides; even crushed glass. This cruelty continues because irresponsible government do not bother to institute laws - laws that force citizens to neuter animals, so that unwanted animals will not be born into suffering. |
Toxicity to humans
Carbofuran (Furadan) has one of the highest acute toxicities to humans of any insecticide widely used on field crops (only aldicarb and parathion are more toxic). Most carbofuran is applied by commercial applicators using closed systems with engineered controls so there is no exposure to it in preparation. Since its toxic effects are due to its activity as a cholinesterase inhibitor it is considered a neurotoxic pesticide.
Carbofuran is also a powerful endocrine disruptor that can cause transient alterations in the concentration of many hormones in animals and humans even at extremely low doses. These alterations may consequently lead to serious reproductive problems following repeated exposure. In one study, the exposure of rats to sublethal amounts of carbofuran decreased testosterone by 88%, while the levels of progesterone, cortisol, and estradiol were significantly increased (1279%, 202%, and 150%, respectively). Carbofuran can also be toxic to testes in sublethal amounts. A decrease in sperm motility, sperm count along with increase in percent abnormal sperm was observed at 0.4 mg/kg dose level. |
We want to establish requirements in the EU - if a poisoned animals are found, the animal should be brought in for autopsy - to know what poison are used - EU citizens should be able to require that the state pay an autopsy because Carbofuran (Furudan) is classified as high risk for humans - and is banned in the EU.
Carbofuran is banned in Canada and the European Union. In 2008, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it intends to ban carbofuran.
In December of that year, FMC Corp., the sole US manufacturer of carbofuran, announced that it had voluntarily requested that the United States Environmental Protection Agency cancel all but 6 of the previously allowed uses of that chemical as a pesticide.
With this change, carbofuran usage in the US would be allowed only on maize, potatoes, pumpkins, sunflowers, pine seedlings and spinach grown for seed.
However, in May 2009 EPA cancelled all food tolerances, an action which amounts to a de facto ban on its use on all crops grown for human consumption.
Due to nonregistration of 4 carcinogenic chemicals used on crops not listed in the Dangerous Substances Act of Thailand, vegetables with residues of methomyl, carbofuran, dicrotophos, and EPN were taken off supermarket shelves in July 2012. Kenya is considering banning carbofuran, but it is legal to buy over-the-counter in Kenya - source: Carbofuran
In December of that year, FMC Corp., the sole US manufacturer of carbofuran, announced that it had voluntarily requested that the United States Environmental Protection Agency cancel all but 6 of the previously allowed uses of that chemical as a pesticide.
With this change, carbofuran usage in the US would be allowed only on maize, potatoes, pumpkins, sunflowers, pine seedlings and spinach grown for seed.
However, in May 2009 EPA cancelled all food tolerances, an action which amounts to a de facto ban on its use on all crops grown for human consumption.
Due to nonregistration of 4 carcinogenic chemicals used on crops not listed in the Dangerous Substances Act of Thailand, vegetables with residues of methomyl, carbofuran, dicrotophos, and EPN were taken off supermarket shelves in July 2012. Kenya is considering banning carbofuran, but it is legal to buy over-the-counter in Kenya - source: Carbofuran
Italy - May 2011. Short dramatic sequence of the death of a dog that had ingested poisoned meatballs at Piazza Armerina. In a few weeks in May 2011, died at least thirty dogs. At Piazza Armerina as in other places, animals dying by poisoning every day.
Carbofuran is one of the most toxic carbamate pesticides. It is marketed under the trade names Furadan, by FMC Corporation and Curater, among several others.
It is used to control insects in a wide variety of field crops, including potatoes, corn and soybeans. It is a systemic insecticide, which means that the plant absorbs it through the roots, and from here the plant distributes it throughout its organs where insecticidal concentrations are attained. Carbofuran also has contact activity against pests. |
Those countries that fatten on tourists, punish all those tormented stray animals - The average life-span of a stray dog in Europe is less than two years, as most of them perish during the winter, if not shortly after the holiday season comes to an end.
The last charter flights depart from the tourist country at the end of October, by which time most of the hotels and tavernas have closed down for the winter. The strays, so dependent on the tourists for food during the summer, are left to fend for themselves, not knowing where their next meal would be coming from ... poisoned bait may be their last morsel, if they are not shot, or hit by a car, or hanged first. Millions of tourists from all over the world visit Mediterranean and European sunny countries with swimming and sunbathing every year and many are shocked by the sights of animals in distress - rightly. |
They often befriend and feed the strays, who are generally very friendly and loving ... they just want to 'belong' and they try very hard to find somebody to adopt them ... the lucky few succeed.
That the increase in poisoning of stray animals has escalated also indicates that the number of stray animals have increased in Europe.
It also indicate that citizens are tired of nothing being done by the goverments and the stray animal problem, but taking the law into their own hands. This is a disgrace for Europe not to do anything about the problem where both people and animals come into conflict. If the EU and European governments came to a common permanent solution - statutory mandatory neutering and identification - would this agony for the animals at last be able to stop. |
Known countries where the poisoning of stray animals appear under daily basis are: Belarus - Bosnia & Herzegovina - Bulgaria - Cyprus - Greece - Croatia - Hungary - Italy - Macedonia - Moldova - Romania - Portugal - Russia - Serbia - Spain - Turkey - Ukraine.
Romania - July 4, 2011; Three children were poisoned with Furadan in Pecineaga (Constanta) - Three children aged 3, 5 and 6 years from Pecineaga, arrived at the Emergency Hospital in Constanta after eating seeds sprinkled with furadan.
Initially, the children were taken to hospital in Mangalia where they were given medical first, and from there was transferred to the largest medical facility in the county. Doctors say the three children are out of danger, but will remain hospitalized to avoid complications. |
Romania - October 3, 2011; Dozens of dogs poisoned with Furadan in the streets of Năvodari - A two year girl get hospitalized in serious condition after she came in contact the toxic substance in the park in Navodari (Constanta). near the neighborhood where she lives.
So far over 30 animal died, Locals are simply desperate and afraid for their lives. Hundreds of deadly berries were scattered on the streets and in parks in the city of Navodari. Furadan poisoning is very severe, doctors say, and untreated can cause death in 20 minutes. |
The patient must be brought to hospital where to administer the antidote and do gastric lavage. Animals are more sensitive and the death occurs more rapidly. Basically, after ingesting the substance - heart and lungs are quickly affected - and they dies within minutes, half an hour. Furadan is forbidden in Romania (EU) since 2008 and who still uses it risked imprisonment.
Romania - November 25, 2011; A two year boy came to the hospital in serious condition after swallowing Furadan - A moment of inattention can take a lifetime. Without thinking about it, the parents of a boy of two years in Capidava (Constanta) let him play alone in the yard. The child found a bottle of pesticide, which he drank and was hurt.
Accident happened in the afternoon in the city Capidava. A boy a year and eight months left to play alone. His father was in the backyard, and his mother was in the house, but no one watching him. The boy was playing for a while, but then found a bottle of pesticide. An ambulance arrived quickly and the child received care by ambulance staff in more than 30 minutes to stabilize him and then went with him to Constanta County Hospital for intensive care. |
Parents are not guilty, that their son is struggling between life and death, and says that it all depends on the owner of the building that they rent. The poison would be spread on the yard to eradicate rats, but the bottle was left behind. The house owner admits that pesticides used, but says that bottles were locked up in a warehouse.
While doctors are fighting for the life of the child, the police are trying to determine who is guilty. They need to figure out how a pesticide that is banned ended up on a yard in Romania.
Being a parent and have to consider that there may be banned extremely poisonous Furidan around a rented house is wrong - but this is what the citizens in countries with homeless animals are forced to - instead of, to ensure that no unwanted animals are born - source with video.
While doctors are fighting for the life of the child, the police are trying to determine who is guilty. They need to figure out how a pesticide that is banned ended up on a yard in Romania.
Being a parent and have to consider that there may be banned extremely poisonous Furidan around a rented house is wrong - but this is what the citizens in countries with homeless animals are forced to - instead of, to ensure that no unwanted animals are born - source with video.
We have not been looking for more articles in Europe where children or people have been poisoned by pesticides. We think it happens more often but that the incidents are muzzled by the authorities - the first and the second articles above, for example, has quickly been removed from the internet.
Mass poisoning in Turkey