American and International Corporations in China
Here we present a list of the most common companies that have chosen to produce and invest in China, despite the fact that China violates human rights and has one of the world's most cruel attitude to animals.
China has one of the world's most toxic environments that affect humans, animals and plants both in the short and long term.
All these companies have chosen to ignore China's lack of empathy, ethics, morality, and compassion - child labor - slave-like employment - extensive animal cruelty - completely lack of animal protection laws - worldwide extinction of animal species - environmental destruction of large geological areas.
These companies have opted out fundamental ethical factors in favor of money and profit.
It is your conscience and actions that determine how the animals are treated around the world. You can help stop these atrocities by choosing to boycott unethical companies and their products and thus force China by economic sanctions to be more compassionate to other living beings on the planet such as adopt the proposed Chinese Animal Welfare Act.
China has one of the world's most toxic environments that affect humans, animals and plants both in the short and long term.
All these companies have chosen to ignore China's lack of empathy, ethics, morality, and compassion - child labor - slave-like employment - extensive animal cruelty - completely lack of animal protection laws - worldwide extinction of animal species - environmental destruction of large geological areas.
These companies have opted out fundamental ethical factors in favor of money and profit.
It is your conscience and actions that determine how the animals are treated around the world. You can help stop these atrocities by choosing to boycott unethical companies and their products and thus force China by economic sanctions to be more compassionate to other living beings on the planet such as adopt the proposed Chinese Animal Welfare Act.
NOTATION - even though this is a very long list of American and other foreign corporations in China, it is certainly not a complete listing. We have only included a few of the names you may recognize. This is a list of companies who either own factories, or have contract factories producing their products in China. Some of the companies produce 100% of their products there, and others only produce parts, or certain ingredients for their products. The list below is approximately 1% of the actual Corporate list. Companies such as Avon, GE, and AT&T for example, have been in China and manufacturing products for 20 to 30 years. Most American consumers simply had no idea. Previously their source was Japan - Source