In service
To protect and serve

The word guard dog can mean different for people and in various countries, but the dog is intended to guard the house, home, possessions, companies, people or other animals. Many owners use a dog routinely as a guard dog. It is chained on the property, but fills no real function but to bark at visitors - a cruel way to use a living animal like a doorbell, yet it has become a tradition or a bad habit for many owners in some countries to keep dogs and animal in this way - a life of living death.
In many countries the guard dog is chained (or wire) to a wall or a building on the plot or farm. Many dogs lives completely unprotected from the weather or have an uninsulated dog house, a barrel or a few planks nailed together to take shelter - summer and winter. The chain are usually short and when the dog gets sick or old, the owner leaves the old faithful servant to the municipal enclosure to be killed or just ignore the dogs condition and let it die alone in the chain. In some cases the old sick and dying dog get eaten alive by worms and maggots.
Some dogs used to guard factories and businesses, other dogs guarding sheep or cattle from predators. Here the guard dog have a meaningful tasks and are usually treated well, as long as the dog is able to do their duties.
Many southern and eastern European countries still use the dog to guard the sheep or cattle. The dog lives with the keeper and the dogs are specially bred to withstand the sometimes harsh conditions and tasks. They are well cared for as long as they fulfill their duties. But many of these breeds are overbred and used not only to guard sheep or cattle. When these dogs fall into the wrong hands and are misunderstood - they often are treated badly - due the lack of knowledge and understanding of the breed, many so-called guard dogs will, be abused or killed.
In almost all European countries, the dog is use as a guard dog at industrial sites, in factories or scrap yards. The dog lives daytime in a cage and then is released to run free in the area at night. Some are looked after well but many of these dogs receive poor care and living alone all their lives. The way the dog has become "guardian" can also be discussed. Many times the dog is beaten and teased, so that it eventually hates humans. The dogs are physically and mentally damaged to become "good" guard dogs.
The guard dogs live a monotonous lonely life without caring or closeness with any man, or fellow species. This is very cruel when the dog is a typical pack animals. Many of these dogs are also forced to guard toxic factories or industries with sharp waste on the ground. The dog gets cuts on their paws and legs or get chemical burns. Many times the dog is not treated but forced to live with these injuries.
In some cases, several dogs living together and guard the area, especially at scrap yards etc. The dogs usually work together in the pack, but a game can quickly turn to fight by the lack of stimulation in a bad environment - veterinary care is usually absent for these dogs.
There are large international companies that train dogs to become professional guards. These dogs guarding for example important people. The dogs usually get a good education and be treated well. They can also socialize and stay with people in a safe manner.
But there are also unscrupulous companies that rent out guard dogs. These dogs usually live in poor conditions and lives in sterile boxes in the day and then transported in the evening to various companies, industries, etc to guard at night. The dogs are also often trained in a bad and brutal way and tolerate usually only one keeper.
Dogs used for this are often dogs that already bitten its owner, behave aggressively, are uncertain, or been abused - it are dogs that usually are already mentally bad - and if not, the security companies will "train" them in the same cruel way - the task is that the dog will not have confidence in people, but see humans as a threat.
There are also private individuals who use dogs as their bodyguards and guards also their homes and property. These people are usually criminals and many times, drugs and alcohol is involved, which means unstable dog owners. The dogs are mistreated and live a painful life. Many times the dogs starve, get beaten or abandoned. These dogs are also frequently used in betting in dog fights.
Tougher requirements and permission should be made to work with watch/guard dogs and offering services in guarding. Also requirements and permits to own or breed dogs that will be used to watch/guard.
In many countries the guard dog is chained (or wire) to a wall or a building on the plot or farm. Many dogs lives completely unprotected from the weather or have an uninsulated dog house, a barrel or a few planks nailed together to take shelter - summer and winter. The chain are usually short and when the dog gets sick or old, the owner leaves the old faithful servant to the municipal enclosure to be killed or just ignore the dogs condition and let it die alone in the chain. In some cases the old sick and dying dog get eaten alive by worms and maggots.
Some dogs used to guard factories and businesses, other dogs guarding sheep or cattle from predators. Here the guard dog have a meaningful tasks and are usually treated well, as long as the dog is able to do their duties.
Many southern and eastern European countries still use the dog to guard the sheep or cattle. The dog lives with the keeper and the dogs are specially bred to withstand the sometimes harsh conditions and tasks. They are well cared for as long as they fulfill their duties. But many of these breeds are overbred and used not only to guard sheep or cattle. When these dogs fall into the wrong hands and are misunderstood - they often are treated badly - due the lack of knowledge and understanding of the breed, many so-called guard dogs will, be abused or killed.
In almost all European countries, the dog is use as a guard dog at industrial sites, in factories or scrap yards. The dog lives daytime in a cage and then is released to run free in the area at night. Some are looked after well but many of these dogs receive poor care and living alone all their lives. The way the dog has become "guardian" can also be discussed. Many times the dog is beaten and teased, so that it eventually hates humans. The dogs are physically and mentally damaged to become "good" guard dogs.
The guard dogs live a monotonous lonely life without caring or closeness with any man, or fellow species. This is very cruel when the dog is a typical pack animals. Many of these dogs are also forced to guard toxic factories or industries with sharp waste on the ground. The dog gets cuts on their paws and legs or get chemical burns. Many times the dog is not treated but forced to live with these injuries.
In some cases, several dogs living together and guard the area, especially at scrap yards etc. The dogs usually work together in the pack, but a game can quickly turn to fight by the lack of stimulation in a bad environment - veterinary care is usually absent for these dogs.
There are large international companies that train dogs to become professional guards. These dogs guarding for example important people. The dogs usually get a good education and be treated well. They can also socialize and stay with people in a safe manner.
But there are also unscrupulous companies that rent out guard dogs. These dogs usually live in poor conditions and lives in sterile boxes in the day and then transported in the evening to various companies, industries, etc to guard at night. The dogs are also often trained in a bad and brutal way and tolerate usually only one keeper.
Dogs used for this are often dogs that already bitten its owner, behave aggressively, are uncertain, or been abused - it are dogs that usually are already mentally bad - and if not, the security companies will "train" them in the same cruel way - the task is that the dog will not have confidence in people, but see humans as a threat.
There are also private individuals who use dogs as their bodyguards and guards also their homes and property. These people are usually criminals and many times, drugs and alcohol is involved, which means unstable dog owners. The dogs are mistreated and live a painful life. Many times the dogs starve, get beaten or abandoned. These dogs are also frequently used in betting in dog fights.
Tougher requirements and permission should be made to work with watch/guard dogs and offering services in guarding. Also requirements and permits to own or breed dogs that will be used to watch/guard.